Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. Gerd Alberti
auf dieser Seite geordnet nach:
- Bücher und Buchbeiträge
- Originalarbeiten
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- Populärwissenschaftliche Arbeiten
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20. Alberti, G. & Thaler-Knoflach, B. 2013: Chelicerata. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (eds.): Spezielle Zoologie. Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere. 3ed. Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg: 493-541.
19. Alberti, G.; Giribet, G. & Gutjahr, M. 2009: Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of different species of Neogoveidae, Sironidae, and Stylocellidae (Cyphophthalmi, Opiliones). In: Kropf, Ch. & Horak, P. (eds.): Towards a Natural History of Arthropods and Other Organisms - In Memoriam Konrad Thaler. Contributions to natural history, Bern 12 (1): 53-69.
18. Wegener, A. & Alberti, G. 2008: Einfluss unterschiedlicher Struktur- und Bodeneigenschaften und des Beuteaufkommens auf die Horizontalverteilung der Gamasida. In: Jopp, F. & Pieper, S. (eds.): Bodenzoologie und Ökologie. Theorie in der Ökologie 12: 47-58.
17. Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2008: The influence of the nutrient content of the soil of different forest stands on the oribatid mite community (Acari; Oribatida). In: Jopp, F. & Pieper, S. (eds.): Bodenzoologie und Ökologie. Theorie in der Ökologie 12: 59-66.
16. Alberti, G.; Thaler, K. & Weygoldt, P. 2006: Chelicerata. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R. (Hrsg.) Spezielle Zoologie. Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere. 2. Aufl., Spektrum - Akademischer Verlag: 479-532.
15. Alberti, G. & Michalik, P. 2004: Feinstrukturelle Aspekte der Fortpflanzungssysteme von Spinnentieren (Arachnida). In: Thaler, K. (ed.): Diversität und Biologie von Webspinnen, Skorpionen und anderen Spinnentieren. Denisia 12, Linz: 1-62.
14. Storch, V.; Ruhberg, G.; Alberti, G. & Jamieson, B. G. M. 2000: Onychophora. In: Jamieson, B. G. M. (ed.) Progress in Male Gamete Ultrastructure and Phylogeny. In: Adiyodi, K. G. & Adiyodi, R. G. (eds.) Reproductive Biology of the Invertebrates. Vol. 9, p. B. New Delhi, Oxford& IBH Publishing: 293-310.
13. Alberti, G. 2000: Chelicerata. In: Jamieson, B. G. M. (ed.) Progress in Male Gamete Ultrastructure and Phylogeny. In: Adiyodi, K. G. & Adiyodi, R. G. (eds.) Reproductive Biology of the Invertebrates. Vol. 9, p.B. New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing/Wiley, N.Y. etc.: 311-388.
12. Coons, L. B. & Alberti, G. 1999: Acari - Ticks. In: Harrison, F. W. (ed.) Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates. Vol. 8b. New York, Wiley -Liss: 267-514.
11. Alberti, G. & Coons, L. B. 1999: Acari - Mites. In: Harrison, F. W. (ed.) Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates. Vol. 8c. New York, Wiley-Liss: 515-1265.
10. Alberti, G. 1998: Fine Structure of Receptor Organs in Oribatid Mites. In: Ebermann, E. W. (ed.) Arthropod Biology: Contributions to Morphology, Ecology and Systematics. Österr. Akadem. Wiss., Wien. Biosystematics and Ecology Series 14: 27-77.
9. Nuzzaci, G. & Alberti, G. 1996: Internal anatomy and physiology. In: Lindquist, E. E., Sabelis, M. W. & Bruin, J. (eds.) Eriophyoid Mites - Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. World Crop Pests. Vol. 6. Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci. Publ., pp. 101-150.
8. Alberti, G.; Hauk, B.; Köhler, H.R. & Storch, V. (Hrsg.) 1996: Dekomposition - Qualitative und quantitative Aspekte und deren Beeinflussung durch geogene und anthropogene Belastungsfaktoren. ecomed verlagsgesellschaft, 490S.
7. Alberti, G. & Nuzzaci, G. 1996: SEM and TEM Techniques. In: Lindquist, E. E., Bruin, J. & Sabelis, M. W. (eds.) Eriophyoid Mites. Their Biology, natural Enemies and Control. World Crop Pests. Vol. 6. Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci. Publ., pp. 399-410.
6. Alberti, G. & Nuzzaci, G. 1996: Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis. In: Lindquist, E. E., Sabelis, M. W. & Bruin, J. (eds.) Eriophyoid Mites - Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. World Crop Pests. Vol. 6. Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci. Publ., pp. 151-167.
5. Alberti, G. 1995: Comparative spermatology of Chelicerata: Review and Perspective. In: Jamieson, B. G. M.; Ausio, J. & Justine, J. L. (eds.) Advances in Spermatozoal Phylogeny and Taxonomy. Mém. Mus. nat. Hist. nat. 166: 203-230.
4. Ufer, A.; Schmider, F. & Alberti, G. 1993: Auswirkungen einer Bodenentseuchung auf die Populationen von Collembolen in Ackerbiozönosen. In: Ehrnsberger, R. (ed.) Bodenmesofauna und Naturschutz. Informat. Naturschutz, Bd. 6, G. Ruge, Cloppenburg: 355-367.
3. Ripplinger, E. & Alberti, G. 1993: Die Isopoden und Diplopodenpopulationen unterschiedlich bewirtschafteter Auwaldstandorte der Rastatter Rheinaue. In: Ehrnsberger, R. (ed.) Bodenmesofauna und Naturschutz. Informat. Naturschutz, Bd. 6, G. Ruge, Cloppenburg: 111-124.
2. Kratzmann, M.; Ludwig, M.; Błaszak, C. & Alberti, G. 1993: Mikroarthropoden: Reaktionen auf Bodenversauerung, Kompensationskalkungen und Schwermetalle. In: Ehrnsberger, R. (ed.) Bodenmesofauna und Naturschutz. Inform. Naturschutz Bd. 6, G. Ruge, Cloppenburg: 94-110.
1. Alberti, G. & Crooker, A. R. 1985: Internal anatomy. In: Helle, W. & Sabelis, M. M. (eds.) Spider Mites - Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. World Crop Pests. Vol. IA. Amsterdam: Elsevier Sci. Publ.: 29-62.
Begutachtete Originalarbeiten:
177. Di Palma, A.; Seeman, O.D. & Alberti, G. 2017: Complexity, adaptations and variations in the secondary insemination system of female Dermanyssina mites (Acari: Anactinothrichida: Gamasida): the case of Afrocypholaelaps africana. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 72(3): 191-203.
176. Alberti, G. & Ehrnsberger, R. 2017: Fine Structure of the Rhagidial-Organs of the Prostigmatid mite Rhagidia halophila (Laboulbène, 1851) Actinotrichida, Rhagidiidae). Soil Organisms 89 (2): 69-74.
175. Alberti, G.; Kanarek, G.& Dabert, J. 2016: Unusual way of Feeding by the Deutonymph of Neottialges evansi (Actinotrichida, Astigmata, Hypoderatidae), a Subcutaneous Parasite of Cormorants, Revealed by Fine Structural Analyses. J. Morphol. 277: 1368-1389.
174. Alberti, G.; Krantz, G.W.; Makarova, O.L. 2016: Fine structure of the male genital system in mites of the family Arctacaridae (Gamasida). ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ (Zoological Journal) 95: 1029-1052.
173. Alberti, G. & Moreno Twose, A.I. 2016: Fine structural observations of the erectile setae and dermal glands on the notogaster of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae). Soil Organisms 88: 111-132.
172. Alberti, G. & Moreno Twose, A.I. 2016: Fine structure of the trichobothrium of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae) with remarks on adjacent setae. Soil Organisms 88: 99-110.
171. Di Palma, A.; de Moraes, G.J.; Gerdeman, B.S.; Huber, S.; Kitajima, E.W. & Alberti, G. 2015: Ultrastructural and functional adaptations of the female reproductive system in the family Heterozerconidae (Acari, Anactinotrichida, Gamasida, Heterozerconina) and implications for the systematic position of the group. Arthropod Structure & Development 44: 639-655.
170. Seeman, O. D. & Alberti, G. 2015: A new species of Scissuralaelaps (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) from millipedes in the Philippines.
Systematic & Applied Acarology 20(6): 707-720.
169. Alberti, G. & Palacios-Vargas, José G. 2015: Fine structure of the ovary of Schizomus palaciosi (Arachnida: Schizomida)
Soil Organisms 87: 153-168.
168. Alberti, G. & Ehrnsberger, R. 2015: Fine structure of the male genital system of the predatory mite Rhagidia halophila (Rhagidiidae, Prostigmata, Actinotrichida).
J. Morphol. 276: 832-859.
167. Radek, R.; Kariton, M; Dabert, J. & Alberti, G. 2015: Ultrastructural characterization of Acarispora falculifera n.gen., n.sp., a new microsporidium (Opisthokonta: Chytridiopsida) from the feather mite Falculifer rostratus (Astigmata: Pterolichoidea). Acta Parasitologica 60: 200-210.
166. Alberti, G. & Ehrnsberger, R. 2014: Fine Structure of the naso with median eye and trichobothria in the prostigmatid mite Rhagidia halophila (Rhagidiidae, Actinotrichida). Soil Organisms 86: 103-116.
165. Kitajima, E. W. & Alberti, G. 2014: Part 7: Ultrastructural detection of cytoplasmic and nuclear types of Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 173-192.
164. Alberti, G.; Tassi, A. D. & Kitajima, E. W. 2014: Part 6: Female reproductive system.
In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 145-172.
163. Alberti, G.; Tassi, A. D. & Kitajima, E. W. 2014: Part 5: Male reproductive system. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 113-144.
162. Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. 2014: Part 4: Prosomal glands. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 95-112.
161. Alberti, G.; de Andrade, D.; Garita, L.C. & Kitajima, E. W. 2014: Part 3: Digestive system. In: In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 67-94.
160. Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. 2014: Part 2: Gnathosoma. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 11-66.
159. Kitajima, E. W.; Novelli, V. M. & Alberti, G. 2014: Part 1: An update on the biology and economical importance of Brevipalpus mites. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) - economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 1-10.
158. Alberti, G. & Mąkol, J. 2013: Fine structure of the urnulae of Balaustium mites (Actinotrichida: Erythraeidae) representing peculiar defense organs. Arthropod Structure & Development 42: 483-494
157. Alberti, G. 2013: Fine structure of the idiosomatic protuberances in the gamasid mite Epicrius mollis (Acari, Gamasida, Epicriidae). Int. J. Acarology 39: 481-493.
156. Alberti, G.; Seeman, D. O. & Di Palma, A. 2013: Ultrastructure of the male genital tract, spermatogenesis and spermatozoa of Hattena cometis Domrow (Acari: Gamasida: Ameroseiidae). J. Morphol. 274: 1010-1025.
155. Di Palma, Seeman, O. & Alberti, G. 2013b: Ultrastructure investigation of the secondary insemination system of the gamasid mite Hattena cometis Domrow (Acari: Anactinotrichida: Ameroseiidae). J. Morphol. 274: 918-925.
154. Alberti, G. 2013: Fine structure of pustules of Labidostoma luteum Kramer (Acari, Actinotrichida, Labidostomatidae) with further remarks on the complex cuticle of this mite. Acarologia 53: 129-143.
153. Błaszak, C.; Krantz, G. W.; Alberti, G. & Di Palma, A. 2013: A new species of the family Veigaiidae (Acari: Gamasida) from the USA. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 63: 7-13.
152. Di Palma, A.; Seeman, O. & Alberti, G. 2013a: Ultrastructure of the male chelicerae of Hattena cometis Domrow (Acari: Gamasida: Ameroseiidae) functioning as gonopods.J. Morphol. 274: 404-411.
151. Alberti, G. & Dabert, J. 2012: Fine structure of the feather mite Falculifer rostratus (Buchholz, 1869) (Acari, Falculiferidae): Gnathosoma, Digestive System and Supracoxal Glands. Zoologica 158: 1-150.
150. Alberti, G. & Moreno-Twose, A. I. 2012: Fine structure of the primary eyes in Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Heterochthoniidae) with some general remarks on photosensitive structures in oribatid and other actinotrichid mites. Soil Organisms 84: 391-408.
149. Dunlop, J. A.; Krüger, J. & Alberti, G. 2012: The sejugal furrow in camel spiders and acariform mites. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 43: 8-15.
148. Alberti, G.; Heethoff, M.; Norton, R. A.; Schmelzle, S.; Seniczak, A. & Seniczak, St. 2011: Fine structure of the gnathosoma of Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki (Acari: Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae). J. Morphol. 272: 1025-1079.
147. Di Palma, A.; Albert, G.; Błaszak, C. & Krantz, G. W. 2012: Morphological and functional adaptations of the female reproductive system in Veigaiidae (Acari: Gamasida) and implications regarding the systematic position of the family. Zoologischer Anzeiger 251: 49-70.
146. Talarico, G.; Lipke, E. & Alberti, G. 2011: Gross morphology, histology, and ultrastructure of the alimentary system of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with emphasis on functional and phylogenetic implications. J. Morphol. 272: 89-117.
145. Alberti, G. 2010: On predation in Epicriidae (Gamasida, Anactinotrichida) and fine structural details of their forelegs. Soil Organisms 82: 179-192.
144. Alberti, G.; Coineau, Y.; Fernandez, N. A. & Théron, P. D. 2010: Fine structure of the male genital systems, spermatophores and unusual sperm cells of Saxidromidae (Acari, Actinotrichida). Acarologia 50: 243-256.
143. Klann, A. E. & Alberti, G. 2010: Histological and ultrastructural characterization of the alimentary system of solifuges (Arachnida, Solifugae). J. Morphol. 271: 225-241.
142. Michalik, P.; Knoflach, B.; Thaler, K. & Alberti, G. 2010: Live for the moment - Adaptations in the male genital system of a sexually cannibalistic spider (Theridiidae, Araneae). Tissue & Cell 42: 32-36.
141. Di Palma, A.; Nuzzaci, G. & Alberti, G. 2009: Morphological, ultrastructural and functional adaptations of the mouthparts in cheyletid mites (Acari: Actinedida: Cheyletidae). Intern. J. Acarology 35: 521-532.
140. Klann, A. E.; Bird, T.; Peretti, A. V.; Gromov, A. V. & Alberti, G. 2009: Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of solifuges (Arachnida, Solifugae): Possible characters for their phylogeny? Tissue and Cell 41: 91-103.
139. Toyoshima, Sh.; Michalik, P.; Talarico, G.; Klann, A. & Alberti, G. 2009: Effects of starvation on reproduction of the predacious phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Experimental & Applied Acarology 47: 235-247.
138. Di Palma, A.; Wegener, A. & Alberti, G. 2009: On the ultrastructure and functional morphology of the male chelicerae (gonopods) in Parasitina and Dermanyssin mites (Acari: Gamasida). Arthopod Structure & Development 38: 329-338.
137. Talarico, G.; Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Alberti, G. 2008: The pedipalp of Pseudocellus pearsi (Ricinulei, Arachnida) - ultrastructure of a multifunctional organ. Arthropod Structure & Development 37: 511-521.
136. Talarico, G.; Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Alberti, G. 2008: Taste while chewing? Sensory structures in the chelicerae of Pseudocellus pearsei (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938) (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia 15: 47-53.
135. Sobotnik, J.; Alberti, G.; Weyda, F. & Hubert, J. 2008: Ultrastructure of the digestive tract in Acarus siro (Acari: Acaridida). Journal of Morphology 269: 54-71.
134. Klann, A.E.; Gromov, A.V.; Cushing, P.E.; Peretti, A.V. & Alberti, G. 2008: The anatomy and ultrastructure of the suctorial organ of Solifugae (Arachnida). Arthropod Structure and Development 37: 3-12.
133. Dunlop, J. A. & Alberti, G. 2008: The affinities of mites and ticks: a review. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 46: 1-18.
132. Di Palma, A.; Gerdeman, B. S. & Alberti, G. 2008: Fine structure and functional morphology of the spermatodactyl in males of Heterozerconidae (Gamasida). International Journal of Acarology 34: 359-366.
131. Dabert, G. & Alberti, G. 2008: A new species of Coraciacarus (Gabuciniidae, Pterolichoidea) from the huia Heteralocha acutirostris (Callaeatidae, Passeriformes), an extinct bird species from New Zealand. Journal of Natural History 42: 2763-2776.
130. Alberti, G.; Lipke, E. & Giribet, G. 2008: On the ultrastructure and identity of the eyes of Cyphophthalmi based on a study of Stylocellus sp. (Opiliones, Stylocellidae). Journal of Arachnology 36: 379-387.
129. Alberti, G.; Carrera, P.; Martin, P. & Smit, H. 2008: Comparative spermatology of freshwater mites (Hydrachnidia, Acari). Soil Organisms 80: 155-169.
128. Alberti, G. (2008): On corniculi, rutella and pseudorutella - some ultrastructural details
of key-characters in Acari (Arachnida). Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 58: 239-250.
127. Kitajima, E. W.; Groot, T. V. M.; Novelli, V. M.; Freitas-Astua, J.; Alberti, G. & Moraes, G. J. 2007: In situ observation of the Cardinium symbionts of Brevipalpus (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) by electron microscopy. Experimental & Appl. Acarology 42: 263-271.
126. Alberti, G.; Fernandez, N. A. & Coineau, Y. 2007: Fine structure of spermiogenesis, spermatozoa and spermatophore of Saxidromus delamarei Coineau, 1974 (Saxidromidae, Actinotrichida, Acari). Arthropod Structure & Development 36: 221-231.
125. Talarico, G.; Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Fuentes Silva, M. & Alberti, G. 2006: Ultrastructure of tarsal sensilla and other integument structures of two Pseudocellus species (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Journal of Morphology 267: 441-463.
124. Reiher, W.; Gerdeman, B. S. & Alberti, G. 2006: Feinstruktur der Spermatogenese und Spermien von Antennophorus sp. (Antennophorina, Trigynaspida, Gamasida, Anactinotrichida). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 78: 47-54.
123. Michalik, P.; Sacher, P. & Alberti, G. 2006: Ultrastructural observations of spermatozoa of several tetragnathid spiders with phylogenetic implications (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). J.ournal of Morphology 267: 129-151.
122. Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2006: Reactions of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) to changed forestry methods in the lowlands of northeastern Germany. Fragmenta Faunistica 49: 133-151.
121. Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2006: The influence of different age stages of forest stands on the oribatid mite community. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz, 78: 19-30.
120. Gutjahr, M.; Schuster, R. & Alberti, G. 2006: Ultrastructure of dermal and defence glands in Cyphophthalmus duricorius Joseph, 1868 (Opiliones: Sironidae). In: Deltshev, C. & Stoev, P. (eds.) European Arachnology 2005. Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. No. 1: 41-48.
119. Di Palma, A.; Alberti, G.; Nuzzaci, G. & Krantz, G. W. 2006: Fine structure and functional morphology of the mouthparts of a male Veigaia sp. (Gamasida: Veigaiidae) with remarks on the spermatodactyl and related sensory structures. Journal of Morphology 267: 208-220.
118. Di Palma, A. & Alberti, G. 2006: Functional morphology of accessory structures involved in reproduction among gamasid mites (Acari, Anactinotrichida): a review. Atti della Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. R. A. LIII-2005: 361-378.
117. Alberti, G. 2006: On some fundamental characteristics in acarine morphology. Atti della Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. R. A. LIII - 2005: 315-360.
116. Talarico, G.; Palacios-Vargas, J. G.; Fuentes Silva, M. & Alberti, G. 2005: First ultrastructural observations on the tarsal pore organ of Pseudocellus pearsei and P. boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Journal of Arachnology 33: 604-612.
115. Talarico, G.; Palacios-Vargas, J. & Alberti, G. 2005: Recientes contribuciones a los Ricinulei (Arachnida) de México. Entomologia Mexicana 4: 887-889.
114. Michalik, P.; Reiher, W.; Tintelnot-Suhm, M.; Coyle, F. A. & Alberti, G. 2005: The female genital system of the folding-trapdoor spider Antrodiaetus unicolor (Hentz, 1842) (Antrodiaetidae, Araneae): Ultrastructural study of form and function with notes on reproductive biology of spiders. Journal of Morphology 263: 284-309.
113. Michalik, P.; Knoflach, B.; Thaler, K. & Alberti, G. 2005: The spermatozoa of the one-palped spider Tidarren argo (Araneae, Theridiidae). Journal of Arachnology 33: 562-568.
112. Michalik, P.; Dallai, R.; Giusti, F.; Mercati, D. & Alberti, G. 2005: Spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763) (Pholcidae, Araneae). Tissue & Cell 37: 489-497.
111. Michalik, P.; Alberti, G. 2005: On the occurence of the 9+0 axonemal pattern in the spermatozoa of sheetweb spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Journal of Arachnology 33: 569-572.
110. Köhler, H.-R.; Alberti, G.; Seniczak, St. & Seniczak, A. 2005: Lead-induced hsp70 and hsp 60 pattern transformation and leg malformation during postembryonic development in the oribatid mite, Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 141: 398-405.
109. Klann, A. E.; Peretti, A. V. & Alberti, G. 2005: Ultrastructure of male genital system and spermatozoa of a Mexican camel-spider of the Eremobates pallipes speciesgroup (Arachnida, Solifugae). Journal of Arachnology 33: 613-622.
108. Alberti, G. 2005: Double Spermatogenesis in Chelicerata. Journal of Morphology 266: 281-297.
107. Müller-Motzfeld, G.; Alberti, G.; Ringel, H.; Hampel, J.; Kreibich, E.; Loch, R.; Mathiak, G.; Russell, D.; Wegener, A. & Wachlin, V. 2004: Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung des Waldumbaus im nordostdeutschen Tiefland. Beiträge zur Forstwirtschaft und Landschaftsökologie 38: 95-101.
106. Michalik, P.; Dallai, R.; Giusti, F. & Alberti, G. 2004: The ultrastructure of the peculiar synspermia of some Dysderidae (Araneae, Arachnida). Tissue & Cell 36: 447-460.
105. Michalik, P.; Haupt, J. & Alberti, G. 2004: On the occurrence of coenospermia in mesothelid spiders (Araneae: Heptathelidae). Arthropod Structure & Development 33: 173-181.
104. Alberti, G.; Seniczak, A.; Michalik, P. & Seniczak, St. 2004: Feinstrukturelle Aspekte des Gnathosomas von Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki, 1965 (Oribatida: Thrypochthoniidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 76: 5-15.
103. Michalik, P.; Gray, M. & Alberti, G. 2003: Ultrastructural observations of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis in Wandella orana Gray, 1994 (Araneae: Filistatidae) with notes on their phylogenetic implications. Tissue & Cell 35: 325-337.
102. Kaiser, Th. M.; Alberti, G.; Bullwinkel, V.; Michalik, P.; Msuya, Ch. & Schulz, E. 2003: Mahenge - Ein Fenster zum Mitteleozän Afrikas. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 56: 540-546.
101. Alberti, G.; Seniczak, A. & Seniczak, S. 2003: The digestive system and fat body of an early-derivative oribatid mite, Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki (Acari: Oribatida, Thrypochthoniidae). Acarologia 43: 149-219.
100. Witalinski, W.; Liana, M. & Alberti, G. 2002: Fine structure and probable function of ring organs in the mite Histiostoma feroniarum (Acari: Actinotrichida: Acaridida: Histiostomatidae). Journal of Morphology 253: 255- 263.
99. Goldschmidt, R.; Gerecke, R. & Alberti, G. 2002: Hygrobates salamandrarum sp. nov. (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae) from China: the first record of a freshwater mite parasitizing newts (Amphibia, Urodela). Zoologischer Anzeiger 241: 297-304.
98. Di Palma, A. & Alberti, G. 2002: Fine structure of the female genital system in phytoseiid mites with remarks on egg nutrimentary development, sperm-access system, sperm transfer, and capacitation (Acari, Gamasida, Phytoseiidae). Experimental & Applied Acarology 25: 525-591.
97. Alberti, G. & Peretti, A. 2002: Fine structure of male genital system and sperm in Solifugae does not support a sister-group relationship with Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Journal of Arachnology 30: 268-274.
96. Alberti, G. & Meyer-Rochow, V. B. 2002: Ultrastructural investigations of testes and spermiogenesis in two species of halacarid mites (Halacaridae, Actinedida, Actinotrichida): Thalassarachna basteri from the Baltic Sea and Halacarellus thomasi from McMurdo Sound (Antarctica). Arthropod Structure & Development 30: 3156-328.
95. Alberti, G. & Klompen, H. 2002: Fine structure of unusual spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of the mite Megisthanus floridanus Banks 1904 (Acari: Gamasida: Antennophorina). Acta Zoologica (Stockh.) 83: 277-295.
94. Alberti, G. 2002: Ultrastructural investigations of sperm and genital systems in Gamasida (Acari: Anactinotrichida) - current state and perspectives for future research. Acarologia 42: 107-126.
93. Hammer, B.; Moter, A.; Kahl, O.; Alberti, G. & Göbel, U. B. 2001: Visualization of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on whole-body sections of Ixodes ricinus ticks and gerbil skin biopsies. Microbiology 147: 1425-1436.
92. Alberti, G.; Gegner, A. & Witalinski, W. 2000: Fine structure of the spermatophore and spermatozoa in inseminated females of Pergamasus mites (Acari: Gamasida: Pergamasidae). Journal of Morphol. 245: 1-18.
91. Alberti, G. 2000: Spermatologische Untersuchungen an Gamasiden - Stand und Perspektiven. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 72: 91-96.
90. Alberti, G.; Gegner, A. & Witalinski, W. 1999: Fine structure of the genital system in the females of Pergamasus mites (Acari: Gamasida: Pergamasidae). J. Morphol. 240: 195-223.
89. Russell, D. J. & Alberti, G. 1998: Effects of long-term, geogenic heavy metal contamination on soil organic matter and microarthropod communities, in particular Collembola. Applied Soil Ecology 9: 483-488.
88. Zanger, M.; Gräff, S.; Braunbeck, T.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H.-R. 1997: Detection and induction of Cytochrome P450IA (CYP 1A)-like proteins in Julus scandinavius (Diplopoda) and Oniscus asellus (Isopoda): a first analysis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58: 511-517.
87. Norton, R. A.; Alberti, G.; Weigmann, G. & Woas, St. 1997: Porose integumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). 1. Overview of types and distribution. In: Alberti, G. & Norton, R. A. (eds.) Porose intgumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). Zoologica 48/146: 1-31.
86. Gräff, S.; Berkus, M.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H.-R. 1997: Metal accumulation strategies in saprophagous and phytophagous soil invertebrates: a quantitative comparison. BioMetals 10: 45-53.
85. Eckwert, H.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H.-R. 1997: The induction of stress proteins (hsp) in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) as a molecular marker of multiple heavy metal exposure: I. Principles and toxicological assessment. Ecotoxicology 6: 249-262.
84. Alberti, G.; Norton, R. A. ; Adis, J.; Fernandez, N. A.; Franklin, E.; Kratzmann, M.; Moreno, A. I.; Weigmann, G. & Woas, St. 1997: Porose integumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). 2. Fine structure. In: Alberti, G. & Norton, R. A. (eds.) Porose integumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). Zoologica 48/146: 33-114.
83. Alberti, G.; Klimek, A. & Seniczak, St. 1997: Fine structure of the humeral organ of juvenile Edwardzetes edwardsii (Ceratozetidae, Oribatida) compared with porose areas of the adults. Acarologia 38: 275-287
82. Zanger, M.; Alberti, G., Kuhn, M. & Köhler, H.-R. 1996: The stress-70 protein family in diplopods: induction and characterization. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B 165: 622-627.
81. Köhler, H. R.; Hüttenrauch, K.; Berkus, M.; Gräff, S. & Alberti, G. 1996: Cellular hepatopancreatic reactions in Porcellio scaber (Isopoda) as biomarkers for the evaluation of heavy metal toxicity in soils. Applied Soil Ecology 3: 1-15.
80. Suhm, M. & Alberti, G. 1996: The fine structure of the spermatheca of Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer, 1802). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, vol h.s.: 635-642; aout 1996.
79. Suhm, M.; Thaler, K. & Alberti, G. 1996: Glands in the male palpal organ and the origin of the mating plug in Amaurobius species (Araneae: Amaurobiidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 234: 191-199.
78. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1995: Elytra of Iphione muricata (Savigny): a reinterpretation of its architecture based on TEM. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 92, Ergbd.: 55-60.
77. Köhler, H. R.; Wein, C.; Reiß, S.; Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1995: Impact of heavy metals on mass and energy flux within the decomposition process in deciduous forests. Ecotoxicology 4: 114-137.
76. Köhler, H. R.; Körtje, K. H. & Alberti, G. 1995: Content, absorption quantities and intracellular storage sites of heavy metals in Diplopoda (Arthropoda). BioMetals 8: 37-46.
75. Ufer, A.; Schmider, F. & Alberti, G. 1994: Auswirkungen einer Bodenentseuchung auf die Spinnenfauna von Äckern. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 80: 107-127.
74. Russell, D.J.; Dastych, H.; Zeller, U.; Kratzmann, M. & Alberti, G. 1994: Zur Mesofauna des Bodens der Sandhausener Dünen. Beihefte Veröffentlichungen Naturschutz Landespflege Baden Württemberg 80: 325-348.
73. Ludwig, M.; Palacios Vargas, J. G. & Alberti, G. 1994: Cellular details of the midgut of Cryptocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Journal of Morphology 220: 263-270.
72. Alberti, G.; Moreno, A. I. & Kratzmann, M. 1994: The fine structure of trichobothria in moss mites with special emphasis on Acrogalumna longipluma (Berlese, 1904) (Oribatida, Acari, Arachnida). Acta Zoologica (Stockh.) 75: 57-74.
71. Ullrich, B.; Storch, V.; Reiß, S.; Zanger, M.; Ludwig, M. u. Alberti, G. 1993: Die Auswirkungen von Umweltbelastungen auf die Energetik von Landasseln. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 22: 443-450.
70. Suhm, M. & Alberti, G. 1993: The fine structure of the spermatheca of Amaurobius fenestralis (Stroem, 1768) (Amaurobiidae, Araneae). Bollettino dell' Accademia Gioenia Scienze Naturali 26: 343-353.
69. Ludwig, M.; Kratzmann, M. & Alberti, G. 1993: The influence of some heavy metals on Steganacarus magnus (Acari, Oribatida). Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 79: 455-467.
68. Kratzmann, M.; Russell, D.; Ludwig, M.; Petersen, U.; Wein, C.; Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1993: Untersuchungen zur Bodenarthropodenfauna zweier Buchenwaldstandorte im Einfluß bereich geogener Schwermetalle. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 22: 413-417.
67. Ludwig, M.; Kratzmann, M. & Alberti, G. 1992: Observations on the proventricular glands ("organes racémiformes") of the oribatid mite Chamobates borealis (Oribatida, Acari): an organ of interest for studies on adaptation of animals to acid soils. Experimental & Applied Acarology 15: 49-57.
66. Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. 1992: Ultrastructure of the midgut of camel spiders (Arachnida: Solifugae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 228: 1-11.
65. Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. 1992: Finestructure of the midgut of Prokoenenia wheeleri (Arachnida: Palpigradi). Zoologische Beiträge, N. F. 34: 127-134.
64. Köhler, H. R.; Triebskorn, R.; Stöcker, W.; Kloetzel, P. M. & Alberti, G. 1992: The 70kD heat shock protein (hsp 70) in soil invertebrates: A possible tool for monitoring environmental toxicants. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 22:334-338.
63. Köhler, H. R.; Storch; V. & Alberti, G. 1992: The impact of lead on the assimilation efficiency of laboratory held Diplopoda (Arthropoda) preconditioned in different environmental situations. Oecologia 90: 113-119.
62. Triebskorn, R.; Köhler, H. R.; Zahn, Th.; Vogt, G.; Ludwig, M.; Rumpf, S.; Kratzmann, M.; Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1991: Invertebrate cells as targets for hazardous substances. Zeitschrift für angewandte Zoologie 78: 277-287.
61. Köhler, H. R.; Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1991: The influence of the mandibles of Diplopoda on the food a dependence of fine structure and assimilation efficiency. Pedobiologia 35: 108-116.
60. Kaiser, Th. & Alberti, G. 1991: The fine structure of the lateral eyes of Neocarus texanus Chamberlin and Mulaik, 1942 (Opilioacarida, Acari, Arachnida, Chelicerata). Protoplasma 163: 19-33.
59. Fernandez, N. A.; Alberti, G. & Kümmel, G. 1991: Spermatophores and spermatozoa of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Part I: Fine structure and histochemistry. Acarologia 32: 261-286.
58. Alberti, G.; Fernandez, N. A. & Kümmel, G. 1991: Spermatophores and spermatozoa of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Part II: Functional and systematical considerations. Acarologia 32: 435-449.
57. Alberti, G. & Coyle, F. A. 1991: Ultrastructure of the primary male genital system, spermatozoa, and spermiogenesis of Hypochilus pococki (Araneae, Hypochilidae). Journal of Arachnology 19: 136-149.
56. Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. 1990: Peculiarities of arachnid midgut glands. Acta Zoologica Fennica 190: 255-259.
55. Köhler, H. R.; Dhein, J.; Alberti, G. & Krammer, P. H. 1990: Ultrastructural analysis of apoptosis induced by the monoclonal antibody anti APO 1 on a lymphoblastoid B cell line. Ultrastruct Pathology 14: 513-518.
54. Köhler, H. R. & Alberti, G. 1990: Morphology of the mandibles in the millipedes (Diplopoda, Arthropoda). Zoologica Scripta 19: 195-202.
53. Dastych, H. & Alberti, G. 1990: Redescription of Macrobiotus xerophilus (Dastych, 1978) comb. nov., with some phylogenetic notes (Tardigrada, Macrobiotidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 87: 157-169.
52. Alberti, G. & Löwenfeld, I. K. 1990: Feinstruktur der Genitalpapillen actinotricher Milben. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 7, Teil II: 463-466.
51. Alberti, G. & Fernandez, N. A. 1990: Aspects concerning the structure and function of the lenticulus and clear spot of certain oribatids (Acari, Oribatida). Acarologia 31: 65-72.
50. Alberti, G. & Bader, C. 1990: Fine structure of external "genital" papillae in the freshwater mite Hydrovolzia placophora (Hydrovolziidae, Actinedida, Actinotrichida, Acari). Experimental & Applied Acarology 8: 115-124.
49. Alberti, G. 1990: Comparative spermatology of Araneae. Acta Zoologica Fennica 190: 17-34.
48. Köhler, H. R.; Ullrich, B.; Storch, V.; Schairer, H. U. & Alberti, G. 1989: Massen und Energiefluß bei Diplopoden und Isopoden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 7: Teil I: 263-268.
47. Rehkämper, G.; Storch, V.; Alberti, G. & Welsch, U. 1989: On the fine structure of the nervous system of Tubiluchus philippinensis (Tubiluchidae, Priapulida). Acta Zoologica (Stockh.). 70: 111-120.
46. Błaszak, C. & Alberti, G. 1989: Eine neue Epicrius-Art aus Österreich (Acari Gamasida: Epicriidae) mit einem Schlüssel zur Bestimmung europäischer Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 126: 67-75.
45. Afzelius, B. A.; Alberti, G.; Dallai, R.; Godula, J. & Witalinski, W. 1989: Virus and rickettsia infected sperm cells in arthropods. Journal of Invertenrate Pathology 53: 365-377.
44. Alberti, G.; Kratzmann, M.; Błaszak, C. & Szeptycki, A. 1989: Reaktion von Mikroarthropoden auf Waldkalkungen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 7, Teil I: 119-122.
43. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1989: Zur Feinstruktur des weiblichen Genitaltraktes von Tubiluchus philippinensis (Tubiluchidae, Priapulida). Zoologischer Anzeiger 222: 12-26.
42. Alberti, G. & Mittmann, H. W. 1989: Preliminary note on the spermatozoa of Neothyrus ana Lehtinen, 1981 (Holothyrida, Anactinotrichida, Acari). Zoologischer Anzeiger 222: 222-224.
41. Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. 1988: Digestion in spiders: histology and fine structure of the midgut gland of Coelotes terrestris (Agelenidae). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology 20: 709-718.
40. Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. 1988: Mineral congregations, "spherites" in the midgut gland of Coelotes terrestris (Araneae): Structure, composition and function. Protoplasma 143: 43-50.
39. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1988: Internal fertilization in a meiobenthic priapulid worm: Tubiluchus philippinensis (Tubiluchidae, Priapulida). Protoplasma 143: 193-196.
38. Alberti, G. & Fernandez, N. A. 1988: Fine structure of a secondarily developed eye in the freshwater moss-mite, Hydrozetes lemnae (Coggi, 1899) (Acari: Oribatida). Protoplasma 146: 106-117.
37. Alberti, G. & Palacios Vargas, J. G. 1987: Fine structure of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of Schizomus palaciosi, Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1986 (Arachnida: Uropygi, Schizomida). Protoplasma 137: 1-14.
36. Alberti, G.; Afzelius, B. A. & Lucas, S. M. 1986: Ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis in bird spiders (Theraphosidae, Mygalomorphae, Araneae). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology18: 739-753.
35. Alberti, G. & Zeck Kapp, G. 1986: The nutrimentary egg development of the mite, Varroa jacobsoni (Acari, Arachnida), an ectoparasite of honey bees. Acta Zoologica (Stockh.) 67: 11-25.
34. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1986: Zur Ultrastruktur der Protonephridien von Tubiluchus philippinensis (Tubiluchidae, Priapulida). Zoologischer Anzeiger 217: 259-271.
33. Alberti, G. & Janssen, H. H. 1986: On the fine structure of spermatozoa of Tachypleus gigas (Xiphosura, Merostomata). International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 9: 309-319.
32. Alberti, G. & Hänel, H. 1986: Fine structure of the genital system in the bee parasite, Varroa jacobsoni (Gamasida: Dermanyssina) with remarks on spermiogenesis, spermatozoa, and capacitation. Experimental & Applied Acarology 2: 63-104.
31. Storch, V.; Alberti, G.; Rosito, R. M. & Sotto, F. B. 1985: Some ultrastructural observations on Tubiluchus philippinensis (Priapulida), a new faunal element of Philippine coastal waters. Philippine Scientist 22: 144-156.
30. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1985: Zur Ultrastruktur des Darmtraktes von Tubiluchus philippinensis (Tubiluchidae, Priapulida). Zoologischer Anzeiger 214: 262-272.
29. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1985: Ultrastructural investigation of the integument of Tubiluchus philippinensis (Priapulida, Tubiluchidae). Zoologica Scripta 14: 265-272.
28. Błaszak, C. & Alberti, G. 1985: Podocinidae Berlese, 1913 eine neue Milbenfamilie (Acari, Mesostigmata) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zoologischer Anzeiger 215: 168-176.
27. Alberti, G. & Weinmann, C. 1985: Fine structure of spermatozoa of some labidognath spiders (Filistatidae, Segestriidae, Dysderidae, Oonopidae, Scytodidae, Pholcidae; Araneae; Arachnida) with remarks on spermiogenesis. Journal of Morphology 185: 1-35.
26. Alberti, G. & Palacios Vargas, J. G. 1984: Fine structure of spermatogenesis and mature spermatozoa in Cryptocellus boneti Bolivar y Pieltain, 1941 (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Journal of Ultrastructure Research 87: 1-12.
25. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1983: Zur Ultrastruktur der Mitteldarmdrüsen von Spinnentieren (Scorpiones, Araneae, Acari) unter verschiedenen Ernährungsbedingungen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 211: 145-160.
24. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1983: Fine structure of developing and mature spermatozoa in Tubiluchus (Priapulida, Tubiluchidae). Zoomorphology 103: 219-227.
23. Alberti, G. & Kils, U. 1983: Light and electron microscopical studies on the anatomy and function of the gills of krill (Euphausiacea, Crustacea). Polar Biology 1: 233-242.
22. Alberti, G. 1983: Fine structure of scorpion spermatozoa (Buthus occitanus: Buthidae, Scorpiones). Journal of Morphology 177: 205-212.
21. Talker, H. E.; Alberti, G. & Sotto, F. B. 1981: Mites (Acari, Arachnida) in intertidal habitats off Cebu. Philippine Scientist 18: 27-44.
20. Alberti, G.; Storch, V. & Renner, H. 1981: Über den feinstrukturellen Aufbau der Milbencuticula (Acari, Arachnida). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 105: 183-236.
19. Alberti, G. 1980: Zur Feinstruktur der Spermien und Spermiocytogenese der Milben (Acari). II. Actinotrichida. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 104: 144-203.
18. Alberti, G. 1980: Zur Feinstruktur der Spermien und Spermiocytogenese der Milben (Acari): I. Anactinotrichida. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 104: 77-138.
17. Alberti, G. 1980: Zur Feinstruktur des Hodenepithels und der Spermien von Eusimonia mirabilis Roewer, 1934 (Solifugae, Arachnida). Zoologischer Anzeiger 204: 345-352.
16. Storch, V.; Alberti, G. & Ruhberg, H. 1979: Light and electron microscopical investigations on the salivary glands of Opisthopatus cinctipes and Peripatopsis moseleyi (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 203: 35-47.
15. Alberti, G. 1979: Zur Feinstruktur der Spermien und Spermiocytogenese von Prokoenenia wheeleri (Rucker, 1901) (Palpigradi, Arachnida). Zoomorphologie 94: 111-120.
14. Alberti, G. 1979: Licht und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Coxaldrüsen von Walzenspinnen (Arachnida: Solifugae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 203: 48-64.
13. Storch, V.; Ruhberg, H. & Alberti, G. 1978: Zur Ultrastruktur der Segmentalorgane der Peripatopsidae (Onychophora). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 100: 47-63.
12. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1978: Ultrastructural observations on the gills of polychaetes. Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 31: 169-179.
11. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1977: Zur Ultrastruktur der Coxaldrüsen actinotricher Milben (Acari, Actinotrichida). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 98: 394-425.
10. Alberti, G. & Ehrnsberger, R. 1977: Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zum Spinnvermögen der Bdelliden und Cunaxiden (Acari, Prostigmata). Acarologia 19: 55-61.
9. Alberti, G. 1977: Zur Feinstruktur und Funktion der Genitalnäpfe von Hydrodroma despiciens (Hydrachnellae, Acari). Zoomorphologie 87: 155-164.
8. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1976: Transmissions- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Spinndrüsen von Embien (Embioptera, Insecta). Zoologischer Anzeiger 197: 179-186.
7. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1976: Spermiocytogenese, Spermien und Spermatophore von Schnabelmilben (Bdellidae, Acari). Acta Zoologica (Stockh.) 57: 177-188.
6. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1976: Ultrastruktur Untersuchungen am männlichen Genitaltrakt und an Spermien von Tetranychus urticae (Tetranychidae, Acari). Zoomorphologie 83: 283-296
5. Alberti, G. 1975: Prälarven und Phylogenie der Schnabelmilben (Bdellidae, Trombidiformes). Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutions - Forschung 13: 44-62.
4. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1974: Über Bau und Funktion der Prosomadrüsen von Spinnmilben (Tetranychidae, Trombidiformes). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 79: 133-153.
3. Alberti, G. 1974: Fortpflanzungsverhalten und Fortpflanzungsorgane der Schnabelmilben (Acarina: Bdellidae, Trombidiformes). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 78: 111-157
2. Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1973: Zur Feinstruktur der "Munddrüsen" von Schnabelmilben (Bdellidae, Trombidiformes). Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 186: 149-160.
1. Alberti, G. 1973: Ernährungsbiologie und Spinnvermögen der Schnabelmilben (Bdellidae, Trombidiformes). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 76: 285-338.
Begutachtete Beiträge zu Kongreßbänden (Proceedings):
34. Smit, H. & Alberti, G. (2009) 2010: The water mite family Pontarachnidae Koenike, with new data on its peculiar morphological structures (Acari: Hydrachnidia). In: Sabelis, M. W. & Bruin, J. (eds): Trends in Acarology. (Proc. of the 12th Intern. Congress of Acarology, Amsterdam 2006). Springer-Science + Business Media B. V., Dordrecht: 71-79
33. Wegener, A. & Alberti, G. (2009) 2010: Effects of a windthrow event in the forest of the peninsula Darss on the gamasid fauna (Arachnida) and Collembola. In: Sabelis, M. W. & Bruin, J. (eds): Trends in Acarology. (Proc. of the 12th Intern. Congress of Acarology, Amsterdam 2006). Springer-Science + Business Media B. V., Dordrecht: 117-121.
32. Russell, D. & Alberti, G. (2009) 2010: Actinedid mite communities in a continental psammic habitat in southwest Germany. ). In: Sabelis, M.W. & Bruin, J. (eds.): Trends in Acarology (Intern. Congr. Acarology, Amsterdam, 2006), Springer-Science + Business Media B. V., Dordrecht: 135-142.
31. Alberti, G.; Di Palma, A.; Krantz, G. W. & Błaszak C. (2009) 2010: First ultrastructural observations on a oputative sperm access system in veigaiid females (Veigaiidae, Gamasida). In: Sabelis, M. W. & Bruin, J. (eds): Trends in Acarology. (Proc. of the 12th Intern. Congress of Acarology, Amsterdam 2006).: 59-64.
30. Gerdeman, B. S. & Alberti, G. 2007: First ultrastructural observations on the paired suckers of a heterozerconid mite (Heterozerconidae; Gamasida). In: Morales-Malacara, J. B.; Behan-Pelletier, V.; Ueckermann, E.; Pèrez, T. M.; Estrada, E.; Gispert, G. & Badii, M. (eds.): Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress. Instituto de Biologia and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia. México: 581-584.
29. Alberti, G.; Gerdeman, B. S. & Klompen, H. 2007: Fine structure of spermiogenesis and sperm in a heterozerconid mite (Heterozerconidae; Heterozerconina; Gamasida). In: Morales-Malacara, J. B.; Behan-Pelletier, V.; Ueckermann, E.; Pèrez, T. M.; Estrada, E.; Gispert, G. & Badii, M. (eds.): Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress. Instituto de Biologia and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia. México: 557-560.
28. Alberti, G. & Krantz, G. W. 2007: Some ultrastructural observations on a species of Arctacaridae (Arctacarina; Gamasida), with remarks on their phylogenetic significance. In: Morales-Malacara, J. B.; Behan-Pelletier, V.; Ueckermann, E.; Pèrez, T. M.; Estrada, E.; Gispert, G. & Badii, M. (eds.): Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress. Instituto de Biologia and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia. México: 571-574.
27. Alberti, G. & Di Palma, A. 2007: Fine structure of male reproductive systems in Phytoseiulus persimilis (Phytoseiidae, Gamasida, Acari). In: Morales-Malacara, J. B.; Behan-Pelletier, V.; Ueckermann, E.; Pèrez, T. M.; Estrada, E.; Gispert, G. & Badii, M. (eds.): Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress. Instituto de Biologia and Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia. México: 561-569.
26. Alberti, G.; Di Palma, A. & Krantz, G. W. 2005: Preliminary observations of the fine structure of the spermatodactyls in males of three species of Gamasida. In: Weigmann, G.; Alberti, G.; Wohltmann, A. & Ragusa, S. (eds.): Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. 5th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Berlin. Phytophaga 14 (2004): 123-128.
25. Alberti, G. & Seeman, O. 2005: Ultrastructural observations on Holothyrida (Acari: Anactinotrichida). In: Weigmann, G.; Alberti, G.; Wohltmann, A. & Ragusa, S. (eds.): Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. 5th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Berlin. Phytophaga (Palermo) 14 (2004): 103-111.
24. Alberti, G. & Schuster, R. 2005: Behavioural and ultrastructural peculiarities of reproduction in Collohmannia gigantea (Oribatida: Mixonomata). In: Weigmann, G.; Alberti, G.; Wohltmann, A. & Ragusa, S. (eds.): Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. 5th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Berlin. Phytophaga (Palermo) 14 (2004): 129-140.
23. Alberti, G. 2005: Tribute to the past - notes on the history of acarology in Germany. In: Weigmann, G.; Alberti, G.; Wohltmann, A. & Ragusa, S. (eds.): Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. 5th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Berlin. Phytophaga (Palermo) 14 (2004): 13-56.
22. Alberti, G. & Di Palma, A. 2002: Fine structure of the phytoseiid-type sperm access system (Acari, Gamasida, Phytoseiidae). In: Bernini, F.; Nannelli, R.; Nuzzaci, G. & de Lillo, E. (eds.) Acarid Phylogeny and Evolution: Adaptation in Mites and Ticks. 4th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Siena, 2000. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 241-252.
21. Alberti, G. 2002: Reproductive systems of gamasid mites reconsidered (Acari, Anactinotrichida). In: Bernini, F.; Nannelli, R.; Nuzzaci, G. & de Lillo, E. (eds.) Acarid Phylogeny and Evolution: Adaptation in Mites and Ticks. 4th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Siena, 2000 (invited paper). Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 125-139.
20. Alberti, G.; Norton, R. A. & Kasbohm, J. 2001: Fine structure and mineralisation of cuticle in Enarthronota and Lohmannioidea (Acari: Oribatida). In: R. B. Halliday; D. E. Walter; H. C. Proctor; R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds.) Acarology: Proceedings of the Xth Internatational Congress of Acarology, Canberra, 1998. CSIRO Publ., Melbourne: 230-241.
19. Goldschmidt, T.; Alberti, G. & Meyer, E. 1999: Presence of acetabula-like structures on the coxae of the Neotropical water mite genus Neotyrrellia (Tyrrelliinae, Limnesiidae, Prostigmata). In: Bruin, J.; van der Geest, L. P. S. & Sabelis, M. W. (eds.) Ecology and Evolution of the Acari. 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists Kluwer Academ. Publ. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 491-497.
18. Alberti, G.; Klimek, A. & Seniczak, S. 1999: Fine structure of the humeral organ of juvenile Edwardzetes edwardsii (Ceratozetidae, Oribatida). In: Bruin, J.; van der Geest, L. P. S. & Sabelis, M. W. (eds.) Ecology and Evolution of the Acari. 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists Kluwer Academ. Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 587-591.
17. Alberti, G.; Gegner, A. & Witalinski, W. 1999: Some observations on the fine structure of the vagina of Pergamasus crassipes (Pergamasidae, Parasitina, Gamasida). In: Bruin, J.; van der Geest, L. P. S. & Sabelis, M. W. (eds.) Ecology and Evolution of the Acari. 3rd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists. Kluwer Academ. Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 593-601.
16. Russell, D. J.; Kratzmann, M.; Zeller, U. & Alberti, G. 1996: The mite fauna of continental sand dunes in the Upper Rhine Valley. In: Mitchell, R.; Horn, D. J.; Needham, G. R. & Welbourn, W. C. (eds.) Acarology IX, Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Acarology. The Ohio Biology Survey, Columbus: 75-80.
15. Norton, R. A.; Graham, T. B. & Alberti, G. 1996: A rotifer eating ameronothroid (Acari: Ameronothridae) mite from ephemeral pools on the Colorado Plateau. In: Mitchell, R.; Horn, D. J.; Needham, G. R. & Welbourn, W. C. (eds.) Acarology IX, Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Acarology. The Ohio Biology Survey, Columbus: 539-542.
14. Alberti, G.; Norton, R. A.; Adis, J.; Fernandez, N. A.; Franklin, E. F.; Kratzmann, M.; Moreno, A. I.; Weigmann, G. & Woas, St. 1996: Areae porosae and related organs in oribatid mites (Oribatida). In: Mitchell, R.; Horn, D. J.; Needham, G. R. & Welbourn, W. C. (eds.) Acarology IX, Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Acarology. The Ohio Biology Survey, Columbus: 277-283.
13. Alberti, G.; Kaiser, Th. & Klauer, A. K. 1996: New ultrastructural observations on coxal glands (nephridia) of Acari. In: Mitchell, R.; Horn, D. J.; Needham, G. R.; Welbourn, W. C. (eds.) Acarology IX, Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Acarology. The Ohio Biology Survey, Columbus: 309-318.
12. Alberti, G.; Moreno, A. I. & Kratzmann, M. 1995: Fine structure of trichobothria in moss mites (Oribatida). In: Kropczynska, D., Boczek, J. & Tomczyk, A. (eds.) The Acari - Physiological and ecological aspects of Acari-Host Relationships. 2nd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists. Dabor, Warszawa, pp. 23-30.
11. Alberti, G. & Błaszak, C. 1995: Further observations on spermatozoa in gamasid mites. In: Kropczynska, D., Boczek, J. & Tomczyk, A. (eds.) The Acari - Physiological and ecological aspects of Acari-Host Relationships. 2nd Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists. Dabor, Warszawa, pp. 15-22.
10. Köhler, H. R. & Alberti, G. 1992: The effect of heavy metal stress on the intestine of diplopods. In: Meyer, E.; Thaler, K. & Schedl, W. (eds.) Advances in Myriapodology. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Myriapodology (Innsbruck). Berichte nat. med. Verein Innsbruck, Suppl. 10: 257 267.
9. Alberti, G.; Błaszak, C.; Kratzmann, M. & Ludwig, M. 1992: Bodenversauerung und Mikroarthropoden. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Erfurt 1 Annales Universitatis Saraviensis Medicinae, Suppl. (1. Symp. "Mensch Umwelt" Erfurt 1991) 11: 34 37.
8. Ludwig, M.; Kratzmann, M. & Alberti, G. 1991: Accumulation of heavy metals in two oribatid mites. In: Dusbábek, F. & Bukva, V. (eds.) Modern Acarology. Vol 1. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of Acarology. Ceské Budejovice 1990, Academia, Prague and SPB Publ., The Hague: 431 437, pl. 19.
7. Alberti, G.; Kratzmann, M.; Błaszak, C.; Streit, H. & Blumröder, U. 1991: Soil mites and acidification: a comparative study of four forest stands near Heidelberg. In: Schuster, R. & Murphy, P. W. (eds.) The Acari: Reproduction, Development and Life History Strategies. 1st Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Graz 1988. London: Chapman & Hall: 491 493.
6. Alberti, G.; Kaiser, Th. u. Fernandez, N. A. 1991: Fine structure of photoreceptor organs in Acari. In: Dusbábek, F. & Bukva, V. (eds.) Modern Acarology. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of Acarology. Ceské Budejovice 1990, Academia, Prague and SPB Publ., The Hague: 343 348, pl. 39 u. 40.
5. Alberti, G. 1991: On sperm ultrastructure and systematics of Arachnida with special emphasis on Araneae and Acari. In: Baccetti, B. (ed.) VI. International Congress of Spermatology: Comparative Spermatology 20 Years After. Siena 1990. Serono Symp. Publ. Raven Press Vol. 75: 929 936.
4. Alberti, G. 1991: Spermatology in the Acari: Systematic and functional implications. In: Schuster, R. & Murphy, P. W. (eds.): The Acari: Reproduction, Development and Life History Strategies. 1st Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists, Graz 1988 (invited paper). London: Chapman & Hall: 77 105.
3. Alberti, G. 1988: The genital system of Gamasida and its bearing for phylogenetical considerations. In: Channabasavanna, G. P. & Viraktamath, C. A. (eds.): Progress in Acarology. Vol. I. Proceedings of the VIIth International Congress of Acarology, Bangalore, 1986. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.: 197 204.
2. Alberti, G. 1984: The contribution of comparative spermatology to problems of acarine systematics. In: Griffiths, D. A. & Bowman, C. E. (eds.): Acarology VI, I. Proceedings of the VIth International Congress of Acarology, Edinburgh. Chichester: Ellis Horwood lim. Press: 479 490.
1. Alberti, G. 1979: Fine structure and probable function of genital papillae and Claparède organs of Actinotrichida. In: Rodriguez, J. G. (ed.): Recent Advances in Acarology. II. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Acarology, East Lansing. New York: Academic Press: 501 507.
Begutachtete Kurzpublikationen (publizierte Abstracts von Tagungsbeiträgen):
33. Alberti, G. 2009: On fine structure and evolutionary history of arthropods with special emphasis on arachnids. Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection. Poznań, Kontext Publ. House: 12. (Abstract).
32. Alberti, G.; Coineau, Y.; Fernandez, N. A. & Théron, P. 2008: Multinucleate sperm, synspermia, in Saxidromidae (Acari). (1. Internat. Congr. Invert. Morphology, Copenhagen; Abstract). J. of Morphology 269: 1487.
31. Alberti, G.; Lipke, E. & Giribet, G. 2008: Ultrastructure of peculiar eyes in mite harvestmen (Chelicerata, Cyphophthalmi). (1. Internat. Congr. Invert. Morphology, Copenhagen; Abstract) J. of Morphology 269: 1487.
30. Russell, D. & Alberti, G. 2002: Reaktionen der Collembolenfauna beim Umbau von Kiefer-Reinbeständen in Kiefer/Buche-Mischbestände im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 32: 210. (Abstract).
29. Russell, D.; Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2002: Zersetzer-Aktivität der Mesofauna beim Umbau von Kiefer-Reinbeständen in Kiefer/Buche-Mischbestände im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 32: 207. (Abstract).
28. Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2002: Oribatida in Wäldern des nordostdeutschen Tieflandes. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 32: 206. (Abstract).
27. Alberti, G. & Michalik, P. 2002: Coenospermia - an ancestral character of spiders? Zoology 105: 59. (Abstract)
26. Michalik, P.; Sacher, P. & Alberti, G. 2001: Ultrastructural observations of spider spermatozoa: the case of Tetragnatha Latreille (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). 94. Jahrestreffen der DZG, Osnabrück. Zoology 104, Suppl. IV: 41. (Abstract).
25. Alberti, G. & Michalik, P. 2001: Biodiversity on the cellular level: 3. Aflagellate sperm in Arachnida. Terra Nostra - Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 01/6: 139 (Abstract).
24. Alberti, G. & Michalik, P. 2001: Biodiversity on the cellular level: 2. Filiform-flagellate and coiled-flagellate sperm in Arachnida. Terra Nostra - Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 01/6: 138 (Abstract). (Note: Title partly corrected instead of: 2. Flagellate-filiform and coiled-filiform...).
23. Alberti, G. & Michalik, P. 2001: Biodiversity on the cellular level: 1. Sperm morphology and sperm transfer in Arachnida. Terra Nostra - Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 01/6: 137 (Abstract).
22. Alberti, G. 2001: Reproduktionssysteme und Gamasiden-Systematik (Acari, Arachnida). AK "Taxonomie u. Systematik", Greifswald 10./11. 11. 2000. Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DgaaE ) Nachrichten 15: 52-53. (Abstract)
21. Kreibich, E. & Alberti, G. 2000: Mikroarthropoden im Ausdeichungsgebiet am Greifswalder Bodden. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 30: 84 (Abstract).
20. Alberti, G. 2000: Morphology and evolution of gamasid mite reproductive systems (Acari, Arachnida). Zoology 103 . Supplement III (DZG 93.1) (Abstract).
19. Seniczak, A.; Bartussek, C.; Alberti, G.; Seniczak, S. & Köhler, H.-R. 1999: Is the 70 kD stress protein (hsp 70) level related to developmental disturbances induced by lead in mites (Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki; Acari, Oribatida)? Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC-Europe), 9th Meeting, Leipzig. Abstract 2g/P036.
18. Zanger, M.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H. R. 1995: Different biochemical indicators of hazardous substances in diplopods. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 5th Congress, Kopenhagen 1995. Abstract.
17. Gräff, S.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H.R. 1995: Induction of cytochrome P450 and ultrastructural reactions in the hepatopancreas of the woodlouse Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) due to â-naphthoflavone exposure. 6th Annual Meeting of SETAC (UK Branch), Plymouth 1995. Abstract.
16. Eckwert, H.; Alberti, G. & Köhler, H. R. 1995: Assessment of heavy metal impact by means of stress-70 induction in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda). 6th Annual Meeting of SETAC (UK Branch), Plymouth 1995. Abstract.
15. Suhm, M. & Alberti, G. 1993: Zur Feinstruktur des Befruchtungszeichens von Amaurobius fenestralis und A. ferox (Arachnida, Araneae). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), 86.1, Kurzpublikationen: 177.
14. Alberti, G.; Moreno, A. I. & Kratzmann, M. 1993: Fine structure of trichobothria in moss mites (Oribatida, Acari). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), 86.1, Kurzpublikationen: 153.
13. Alberti, G.; Kaiser, T. & Löwenfeld, I. K. 1992: Zur Feinstruktur und Funktion der Ventralsäckchen und vergleichbarer Organe bei Spinnentieren (Arachnida). Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 85, Kurzpublikationen; G. Fischer, Stuttgart, Jena, New York. Abstract: 197.
12. Triebskorn, R.; Köhler, H. R.; Vogt, G.; Ebert, D.; Kratzmann, M.; Ludwig, M.; Rumpf, S.; Zahn, T.; Alberti, G. & Storch, V. 1991: Invertebrate cells as targets for hazardous substances. Society of Experimental Biology; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Bir-mingham 1991. Abstract A8.39: 30.
11. Köhler, H. R.; Triebskorn, R.; Kloetzel, P. M. & Alberti, G. 1991: Heat shock proteins in soil animals: Induction by heavy metals and molluscicides. Society of Experimental Biology; Proceedings of the. Annual Meeting, Birmingham 1991; Abstract A8.32: 28.
10. Alberti, G.; Błaszak, C.; Kratzmann, M. & Ludwig, M. 1991: Bodenversauerung und Mikroarthropoden. Mitteilungen der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt 2 (Abstract): 32.
9. Alberti, G.; Kaiser, Th. & Fernandez, N. A. 1990: Feinstruktur von Milbenaugen (Acari, Arachnida). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), Frankfurt 83 (Abstract) 628.
8. Alberti, G. 1990: Zur Bedeutung der Spermienstruktur für die Systematik von Spinnen und Milben (Arachnida). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), Frankfurt 83 (Abstract) 502.
7. Alberti, G. & Fernandez, N. A. 1989: Fine structure and function of the lenticulus and clear spot of oribatids (Acari, Oribatida). In: André, H. M. & Lions, J. Cl. (eds.): L'ontogenèse et le concept de stase chez les arthropodes. Reunion du 20eme Anniversaire Société des Acarologues de Langue Française (S.A.L.F.), Banyuls sur Mer, 1988 (Abstract). Wavre: AGAR Publ.: 149-150.
6. Alberti, G. 1988: Sperm Aggregations in Arachnida. In: Haupt, J. (ed.): XI. Europäisches Arachnologisches Colloquium, Berlin 1988. TUB-Dokumentation 38: 331. (Abstract)
5. Alberti, G. 1986: Spermatozoa in Pedipalpi and Araneae. In: Barrientos, J. A. (ed.) Actas X Congreso Internacional de Aracnologia Jaca/Espana, 1986 I: 53 54 (Abstract).
4. Alberti, G. 1986: Comparative aspects of arachnid spermatology. Vth International Symposium on Spermatology, Fujiyoshida. Development, Growth and Differentiation, Suppl. (Abstract 68)
3. Alberti, G. 1986: Feinstruktur der Spermien von Schizomus sp. (Arachnida, Uropygi, Schizomida). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), München 79 (Abstract) 163.
2. Alberti, G. 1985: Spermientypen bei Webspinnen (Araneae, Arachnida). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), Wien 89 (Abstract) 256.
1. Alberti, G. & Kils, U. 1980: The filtering-basket of Euphausia superba. ICES CM 1980/L (Abstract) 54.
Populärwissenschaftliche Arbeiten:
10. Ribeiro, A. E. L.; Oliveira, A. R.; Alberti, G. & Flechtmann, C. H. W. 2009: Gloria acari V. Informativo da SEB 34: 3.
9. Russell, D. J. & Alberti, G. 2001: "Mikroarthropoden" des Bodens. In: D. Brandis, H. Hollert & V. Storch (eds.) Tag der Artenvielfalt in Heidelberg. 3. Juni 2000. Selbstverl. Zoologisches Institut d. Univers. Heidelberg: 131-134.
8. Alberti, G. 1991: Hausstaubmilben. Der Hautarzt 42: 56.
7. Alberti, G. 1989. In: Ahlheim, K.-H. (ed.): Wie funktioniert das? Die Umwelt des Menschen. 3. Aufl. Bibliogr. Inst. Mannheim, 607S. (mehrere Kapitel bearbeitet).
6. Alberti, G. & Błaszak, C. 1985: Mode im Moos, Besonderheiten kutikularer Bildungen von Moosmilben (Oribatida, Acari). Mikrokosmos 1985, 97-105.
5. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1976: Gallen-Biologie und Morphologie. V. Von Milben und Nematoden hervorgerufene Gallen. Mikrokosmos 1976, 210-213.
4. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1976: Gallen-Biologie und Morphologie. IV. Von Mücken und Fliegen hervorgerufene Gallen. Mikrokosmos 1976, 100-102.
3. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1976: Gallen-Biologie und Morphologie. III. Von Blattläusen und Wanzen hervorgerufene Gallen. Mikrokosmos 1976, 50-53.
2. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1976: Gallen-Biologie und Morphologie. II. Von Hautflüglern (Hymenoptera) hervorgerufene Gallen. Mikrokosmos 1976, 50-53.
1. Storch, V. & Alberti, G. 1975: Gallen-Biologie und Morphologie. I. Einführung. Mikrokosmos 1975, 325-326.
5. Alberti, G. 2009: Doctoris lectio. In: Uniwers. A. Mickiewicza Poznań. Ser. Doct. Honor. Causa Nr. 48, Anhang: 15-25. (aus Anlass der Ehrenpromotion am 20.5.2009)
4. Alberti, G. 2005: Laudatio. In: R. Westermann (ed.) Ehrenpromotion am 17.6.2004 durch die Math.-Nat. Fakultät der Universität Greifswald: Prof. Dr. Dr. V. Storch - "Biologe aus Begeisterung." Greifswalder Universitätsreden. Neue Folge 116: 8-18
3. Alberti, G. 2004: Prof. Dr. Harald Witte (23.11.1940 - 6.5.2003). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 76 (ohne Seitenangabe).
2. Alberti, G. 2004: 4. Milbenkundliches Kolloquium - vom 26.-27.September 2003 im Zoologischen Institut und Museum der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 76 (ohne Seitenangabe).
1. Alberti, G. 1998: Prof. Dr. R. Schuster - Laudatio. Part: The years in Kiel (1967-1971). In: Ebermann, E. (ed.) Arthropod Biology: Contributions to Morphology, Ecology and Systematics. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien. Biosystematics and Ecology Series 14:4-8.